Springtime Haikus

I feel like a broken record to continually tell you all that whatever it is you want to accomplish, you need to make a habit of it and keep doing it in spite of your fear and reservations and lack of time.  So today, I give you a haiku exercise.  The Writer's Devotional said to write one about your favorite season.  I'm not sure that I have a favorite season but I'm looking forward to spring "because it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket."  Do you know where this quote is from?  keke
Vibrant youth flourish.
The romantic within comes alive.
Blush.  We too were young.

Lovers grow restless.
Pollen is in the air.  Swoon.
Achoo!  A new beau.
Roots take hold and blossom.
Flourish, thrive, and whither.  Vibrant.
Springtime is for lovers.

So, I wrote one and I kept on writing more.  Can you tell I have romance on the brain?

If you wanna exercise your brain a little.  You should try writing one too.  All you have to do is write three lines.  The first and last line should contain 5 syllables and the middle one should have 7.  Easy right?  You could be a rebel and deviate.  The book said to incorporate a word about color, but that's just a suggestion.  You can write your haiku however you like.  If you're brave, you should post yours on the comment section below.  I'd love to read them. :)

Matsuo Bashō wrote
Winter solitude
in a world of one color
the sound of the wind