Limericks are funny poems. It should have 5 lines total. Lines 1, 2, and 5 ending with the same rhyme and containing between 7-10 syllables. Lines 3 and 4 are shorter with 5-7 syllables and rhyme with each other. Here's a diagram that I wrote before I started writing my poems. L = Line, R = Rhyme, and S = Syllable
1 A 7-10
2 A 7-10
3 B 5-7
4 B 5-7
5 A 7-10

Mr. Swish, my beta fish, is very grumpy indeed
that is until it is time to feed.
He swims all around
without making a sound.
Begging for food until I concede.
And because when it comes to poetry, I cannot stop myself, I also wrote
A dog is all that I long for
because I am a total bore.
I'll take him for walks
Meet people and talk.
Yes, a dog's what I need. Nothing more.
And lastly, I actually thought about my favorite animal and wrote a limerick about its negative image.
Foxes are orange, the color of caution.
Always acting on their own volition.
Cunning, crafty, not wise.
And it wouldn't be a surprise
to assume they have perfect diction.
I think writing poetry exercises the brain. If you write a limerick, please share it in the comments below. I'd love to read it.