Become Your Own Role Model

I've always wanted a mentor or role model but I've never acted like one for anyone.  All right, maybe once I was but besides the age thing, I saw her as a peer.  I never felt like I was imparting great wisdom onto her. 

January 18, 2015

Toyota challenged people in their June 2005 campaign theme "Moving Forward."  They included 3 quotes
  • "I will never take a step backward. Sideways, diagonally, up, down, but never back."
  • "I will contemplate my own limitations and then exceed them."
  • "I will become my own role model."
What would it look like to truly embrace and live out the above?  The exercise is to chose one quote to live by and then create an action list of how you'd live out the quote in your life.

I've decided to become my own role model. To do so, I will
  • keep myself in good physical shape as well as spiritual
  • be an active member at church
  • try to always make a positive impression or impact on other people
  • make time for other people
  • teach others what I know
  • make every person feel respected and valued
  • not judge but rather look at people's potential and encourage them to reach it

This quote about becoming your own role model was novel to me.  I've carried inside a bunch of  expectations that I wanted someone else to fill without ever thinking to apply them to myself.  I don't need more people to model for me how to live.  I just need to start loving others.

What about you?  Will you take on one of the challenges with me?

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